
Alcohol's Role In Losing Weight

In a perfect world we as humans would be able to consume all that this world has to offer without having to worry about the consequences later. Unfortunately, the world we live in is imperfect.

As maddening as that may be, there are still ways for indulging in some of those foods that we love to eat provided that we do not overindulge. A person could make a case that nearly everything that we shovel into our mouths will serve some purpose to our health.

While that is still up in the air, one of the 'grey' areas of dieting and weight loss comes to the consumption of alcohol.

Everyone that is of age will have that social drink from time to time, and there are those that might take that too far slowly doing damage to themselves.

Believe it or not, alcohol does serve some purpose in your plan for eating to lose weight, and some of our bodily functions rely on us regularly consuming an alcoholic beverage from time to time.

Our bodies are equipped with their own waste-management system for a better term in both the kidneys and liver. One reason why the over-consumption of alcohol can be damaging to your waistline is because of another function of the liver- breaking down fat. The next time you are thinking of reaching for that second alcoholic beverage ask yourself, what would you rather have your liver doing, eradicating harsh chemicals or breaking down fat?

Keeping that question rhetorical, another question remains, how much is too much?

The truth, if you consume more than one alcoholic beverage per day you are doing your body a dis-service. The alcoholic content of a single drink will do your body well enough on its own. That small amount will ensure that your bodily functions keep functioning properly, and it has even been proven that alcohol helps increase testosterone production- a fat burning hormone.

With that said here are some tips for that night out on the town to help prevent you from drinking too much.
First, switch up that drink that you normally select to something of a darker color. Dark beers and redwine are higher in antioxidants and since they typically have a fuller body about them you will consume less.

Another tip to help you keep your drinking in line is to order a glass of water as a side to that drink. If you drink that glass of water after that beer your stomach will fill up thus reducing the craving for you to order another drink.

Alcohol has its place in your plan for eating to lose weight. It helps keep your body functioning properly and it even helps to stimulate your fat burning hormones, just try not to over do it.

If you found this article to be helpful, then check out Eating To Lose for more free information as it relates to dieting, nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle as it relates to your physical goals.

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