
How to Get Slim: 5 Breakfast Foods to Avoid for Office Workers

An ex-colleague of mine has breakfast at his desk every morning. I reckon he picked a random combination of what he had on his desk: three boxes of breakfast cereals, a liter of artificial blackcurrant syrup, ketchup bottle and a box of muesli bars. You may not be like my ex-colleague, but the truth is, if you work in an office, chances are you have at least bought a quick breakfast takeout near your office and eat it while you are at your desk checking your emails.

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially if your goal is to get slim. Mess up this meal or skip it altogether and it will not only get you fat but it'll also give you a bad start to the day. If you want to know how to get slim, the first place to start is with your breakfast.

Heres a list of the top 5 common office workers breakfast food you should avoid:

1. Breakfast cereals:
Most breakfast cereals today are detrimental to your goals to get slim because they all contain too much sugar, simple carbohydrates and the dreaded high fructose corn syrup. These ingredients will spike your blood sugar levels and cause a sudden increase in insulin levels resulting in your body storing excess sugar as fat. Do you want to start your day telling your body to store fat? If you like the convenience of having breakfast cereals, at least opt for the all bran cereals or instant oatmeal. These are better for your weight loss goals as they are higher in fiber and do not cause a rapid increase in your blood sugar levels.

2. Artificial Juices:
Do you fancy a glass of juice from a carton every morning? If so, then for the sake of your belly, you are better off making an extra effort to squeeze them from real fruits. Commercial juices have exceptionally high sugar content so every single carton of fruit juice you drink always taste consistently rich, sweet and zesty! In addition, these juices are also heavily processed and pasteurized! In the process of doing so, delicate vitamins are destroyed so that they can last longer on the shelves at a certain temperature. If it's too much of a hassle for you to juice from real fruits, ideally, it's better for you to consume the fruit itself rather than juicing it as it also provides you additional fiber.

3. Donuts, cakes and all types of pastry:
Having a sugary pastry made from processed flour first thing in the morning is a surefire way to obesity hell. If you want to know how to get slim, ditching these sugary pastries is a good first step. Not only do these pastries have no nutritional value whatsoever, they are also extremely high glycemic! This means that just like the regular breakfast cereals, the cause your body to store the excess blood sugar as fat. If you are in a rush and need to grab something from the confectionery, you are better off with a tuna and egg sandwich instead.

4. Soft drinks/Sodas:
This is worse than having commercial juice in the morning! High sugar and caloric content with low nutritional value. Need I say more?

5. Any fast food:
We have a fast food joint conveniently located below our office. Going to work every day passing by that fast food joint is like being a priest and having the devil beckoning you to enter his house of sin. Unless you have just ran a marathon, you should stay away from fast food as much as you can! Just a serving of hotcakes with sausage contains at least 520 calories! And that's not even counting the butter and maple syrup, the hash browns and that sugar laden commercial orange juice! When you add it all up, one meal can almost satisfy half of an average person's daily caloric requirement!

One fast food joint that I do make an exception is Subway. It is what I often call, the "lesser-of-the-evils". Opt for healthier sandwiches like Roast Chicken with all the vegetables and just oil and vinegar for the dressing and I assure you that you will feel less guilty about the meal later.

Ideally, your breakfast should contain a serving of good quality protein such as eggs and milk and also a serving of complex carbohydrates such as multi-grain bread or oatmeal. Not only is such a combination nutritious, but it will also keep hunger pangs away for a longer period.

Stay away from all processed and sugar laden food and as much as possible. If you are caught in a tight spot of whether to eat fast food or not eat at all, then always choose the less-fattening-of-the-two-evils. Follow the easy breakfast guidelines above and you will have the answer to how to get slim.

Having a good breakfast is only the first step to a successful weight loss. To know more about the best way to lose weight for busy corporate professionals, visit
From Daniel Ho: The Fat Loss Specialist for Working Professionals

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