
Stay Motivated After Work

The dream job for many these days is to stay in an office, work on their laptops or stay at home and do exactly the same thing. According to many, this is how you can make serious money, how you can become rich easy and fast. According to many people laptops mean money. However, this is so different from the truth that actually, the new middle class, the people that do most of the work and not get paid a lot for that are exactly the one with the 20 000 pounds cars, with the glasses and the laptops in their bags. These are the people who invest all the money of their parents in education that should one day return the investment. The laptops are symbol these days of work. However, most people work on their desks and when they go home, they sit on their armrest chairs and do the same things as the were doing the whole day.
So, what are the negatives of the so called "laptop work"?
The main issue is the terrible pain in the back. We are human beings and we are not designed to sit for that long. Our bodies are created to move, to lift heavy objects, to run, hunt etc. However, in the modern world we are doing none of these things and our bodies suffer from that. The pressure on our backs is huge and it becomes even greater thanks to the bad sitting positions.
  • Air
The air in most offices is not "very good", if we have to say it mild. Actually, it is terrible. It is full of dust and germs, the oxygen is more than insufficient. The reason for that is the very little number of windows and the problems that opening them causes. The people sitting next to the windows are freezing while the rest in the office are choking. The golden middle is almost impossible to achieve here (anyone that had ever been in an office knows well what i am talking about).
  • Noise
A huge problem that many do not even realise but that exists. The low frequented sound of the computers is capable to deliver permanent damages to the human hearing. Therefore using headphones is very important. How safe these are is another question, but it is still more natural to listen to music then computer noise.
The main problem - after working depression
Some may realise it, some don't but after work, after all the problems in our jobs, we are not simply tired, we are exhausted and this has a dramatic effect on our mood. Some people are depressed after work. Fortunately, there is a proper and most importantly working way to deal with the problem - active relaxation.
  • Cleaning
When you go home and feel like you don't want to do anything, start cleaning the place. The cleaning can be really beneficial in many ways. It allows you to see the results of your work immediately, you can be sure in the final results because it all depends on you, it is easy and it is a great training.
  • Fast results
The moment you start with the cleaning you see the place where you live getting cleaner and better. This kind of satisfaction is what our brain needs in order to feel better. We need to get the reward of what we do right when the results are good. In the case with the cleaning, this is exactly what happens.
  • It is on you
No matter how dirty the place is, its look depends entirely on your efforts. This is quite good because you can put as much efforts as you wish and the results will be equal. There are no third party factors which may influence in any way. On top of that, when you need to have the place cleaned, the professional one off cleaners London can be found easy and fast.
  • Physical Training
Great exercise the cleaning is (if Yoda was saying it). You duck, lift heavy objects, stretch. All that increases the blood pressure, the heart beat and therefore the amount of oxygen in the brain and in the muscles. The cleaning, especially when done in the proper way is not only beneficial for your home but for you, directly. So, if you want to feel better after work, do not sit in front of the TV but do something. Anything that brings you some kind of joy is suitable for the case except TVs and computers or any other device with screen.

About the Author

I am a London based journalist and writer interesting in many things from cleaning to new technologies!

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