
Two Lilttle Secrets of Fast Fat Loss

The fitness and diet gurus have been hiding some important facts about weight loss. In this article we will be discussing two of such secrets about fat loss which Vic Magary, the creator of 31 day fat loss cure learned the hard way.

Secret 1: Long, slow and boring cardio workouts are bad for losing weight
Slow and boring cardio routines are the best ways to get lean and toned abs, this is what the diet gurus have been teaching us all the time.

The problem with slow cardio workouts is that you not only lose fat but you also end up losing muscle mass in the process and your body shape looks like a marathon runner. The exercises that make up the long and slow cardio are the exercises done using treadmills, elliptical machines or even simple jogging around your street

For the first 32 years of his life Vic Magary thought that this was the secret for fast fat loss. But he learned that this was wrong when he decided to join the army and finally proved it by creating his program.

He was surprised to learn that his first workout in the army is going to be only 10 minutes long and as a matter of fact, it was one of the most best workout routines that he had ever done in his life.

In just a matter of ten minutes which included some simple body weight exercises gave him a better workout than any gym session of 45 minutes long. He came to the conclusion that for quick fat loss one needs to do short quick burst workouts which involve major muscle groups of the body that only help you to lose more calories than a 45 minute workout but make your body a calorie burning machine so that you burn calories after workout as well.So you will be losing weight even when you are sleeping.

Secret 2: Healthy foods facts.
This is the most important secret of all and everyone gets this wrong, even the so called fit and healthy people. Actually the foods that we think are healthy have exactly the opposite effect in our body. These so called healthy foods are being supported by everyone, including the diet gurus and fitness magazines. All this is discussed in detail in Vic Magary's program 31 day fat loss cure. One of the foods which is secretly making you fat is the whole grains and because of it you gain a lot of weight around your stomach and love handles.

The reason being that back in those days of caveman and cave woman days they had no choice but to eat raw at that time or cook with a stick. The technology was not developed to an extent that they could process food. Moreover they were very active too by doing hunting, building houses. Their meal plan mainly comprised of raw foods such as fish,meat,nuts,fruits,veggies etc.

Processed foods such as pasta, cereal and bread are available nowadays due to development of technology This is the major reason why you tend to gain so much fat around the mid-section because our bodies are not evolved enough in the short time span to be able to handle those whole grains.

So rather than accept the food and help you to lose weight, what it actually does is resistance and causes insulin spikes in your blood sugar and you end up putting on pounds on pounds of belly fat. If you just stop reducing the whole grains from your meal plan then you will be easily able to reduce your belly fat by losing up to ten pounds or more of stubborn belly fat.

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